A Variational Approach for 3D Motion Estimation of Incompressible PIV Flows (back)


Motion Estimation has many applications in fluid analysis. Lots of work has been carried out using Particle Image Velocimetry to design experiments which capture and measure the flow motion using 2D images. Recent technological advances allow capturing 3D PIV image sequences of moving particles. In this context, we propose a new three-dimensional variational (energy-based) technique.

Our technique is based on solenoidal projection to take into account the incompressibility of the real flow. It uses the result of standard flow motion
estimation techniques like iterative cross-correlation or pyramidal optical flow as an initialization, and improves significantly their accuracies. The performance of the proposed technique is measured and illustrated using numerical simulations.


Stokes' solution for an inmersed sphere
3D model
Real flow (with zoom)
Final error distribution

Turbulent motion after a cylinder (Large Eddy Simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations)

3D model
Real flow (with zoom)
Final error distribution


L. Alvarez, C. Castaño, M. García, K. Krissian, L. Mazorra, A. Salgado, and J. Sánchez. A Variational Approach for
3D Motion Estimation of Incompressible PIV Flows
. In submitted to Scale Space Variational Methods, 2007. pdf

L. Alvarez, C.A. Castaño, M. García, K. Krissian, L. Mazorra, A. Salgado, and J. J. Sánchez. Second Order Variational
Optic Flow Estimation
. In Proceeding of EuroCast, Las Palmas, Spain, 2007. pdf